Cultivate A Good Public Image
Think of this article as PR 101 for Small Businesses. Here are some practical ideas you can use right away — even cheaply – and make the most out of publicity stints.
1. Sweet Talk Your Way To Your Costumers. Media tools are often read or heard of and they are effective that way. Words and “sweet talk” can still set you apart from your competitors. Keep everything light and polite while not sacrificing quality of content. Hire a good creative writer or team for this.
2. Develop A Positive Press Network. For a small business entrepreneur, the idea that “bad publicity is still publicity” does not apply. It instead causes the consumers to get away from the business as far as possible. One way to gain good publicity instead of bad ones is to have positive relations with the press people. They have gained the trust of the customers and are often asked for advices on what products to choose. Better get on their side to earn a few recommendations here and there.
With the rise of social media and social media influencers, you’re lucky this part doesn’t need to be very costly; more on that later.
3. Your Own Press Release. Get someone who can write and distribute this efficiently. This step makes a great way for any small business to get noticed immediately. A virtual assistant who can write the press release articles and at the same time handle the distribution is very helpful with this PR task. Hire one that knows where it is best to submit your press releases and observe how it can help in gaining more clients and better sales.
4. Social Media Is In. It’s not just a fad, it’s here to stay and you can learn it in no time. Learn the ins and outs of online social media marketing. Nowadays, more people hang out on social networking sites rather than get together for real. This makes it easier to focus on creating catchy adverts intended to be posted on those sites for the people to get noticed. Know what’s trending and focus on the interest of the people to keep their eyes glued to your posts.
5. Interact with customers often. Nothing makes a customer want to come back for more than having a unique personal experience during the business transaction. Making customers feel that they are special — not just another number — will have them looking only for you whenever they need your services.
This PR 101 for Small Business guide intends to help any small- scale entrepreneur gain a share of the limelight. It does not matter how small a business is, as long as it is well advertised and get positive feedback from the media and the consumers, it will have a good chance of succeeding.