There are so many reasons why people want to start their own businesses.
Some are very clear about what they wanted to do and how to go about it; others are jumping the business bandwagon just to test the waters.
There are people who simply wanted to have an extra income apart from their day job. Can you relate with this group?
According to William Stolze, an entrepreneur himself and author of the book “Startup: An Entrepreneur’s Guide To Launching and Managing a New Business”, these reasons can be grouped into two broad categories: active reasons and reactive reasons. Active Reasons “are the positives that pull you out”; that is, you want to be in business because you wanted to make a positive contribution. You are being reactive if you want to be in business simply because you are sick and tired of being an employee and all aspects associated with it.
You, too, may have your own set of reasons for wanting to start a company. Whatever it is, the following list should be able to guide you in developing your own reasons, and hopefully, it will be among the Active Reasons, as opposed to the Reactive ones.

To Start or Not To Start a Business? That is the Question.
1. Follow Your Bliss. A lot of entrepreneurs consider their businesses as an extension of themselves. They do it to express their passion in life.
2. More Money. The potential to earn more is high. Compared to being a plain employee of another company where the income is usually fixed, in business, there is no ceiling as to how much you can earn. Most businessmen believe that there is actually a direct correlation between your income and the amount of work that you put into your business.
3. Yes, Boss! The good thing about starting up a small business is that no one can dictate you on what you should and not do. All the decisions will come according to what your mind and heart tells you. In the end, no matter how the business will fare, because you were brave and independent, you will always be feel like you’re the captain of the ship.
4. Freedom. Who doesn’t love it? How about taking the time off now and head straight to the beach? Or, how about calling your secretary to reschedule that Manic Monday Meeting, because you feel like watching Lady Gaga on MTV? Isn’t that what freedom is all about?
5. Heal The World. Make it a better place. I bet that sounds like so Michael Jackson, so let’s make it simple: Solve A Problem. Any business is in the business of solving a problem – and the entrepreneur, the ultimate problem solver.
In closing, I think the title of this article is worth pondering. Before you start asking your friends and relatives what kind of business to put up, give yourself enough time to come up with your own personal answer to this question: “Why should I start a business?”